Berseem Clover
Trifolium alexandrinum
Berseem clover is an erect annual with a short taproot; it can grow up to 750 mm with slender, hollow, branched stems and plain, trifoliate, slightly hairy leaflets. Pods contain 1-2 seeds oval-shaped yellow/red-brown seeds;
- highly nutritive
- free of oestrogen risks
- suited to seasonal irrigation
- great as a green cover crop
- mainly used with irrigation
- likes neutral soil pH 6-8
- moderately tolerant of water-logging
- well suited to deep alluvial soils
- some tolerance of salinity
- good heat tolerance
- suited to cutting for hay or silage.
- quick regrowth
- rotationally grazing when 15-20 cm tall; this stimulates tillering
- avoid overgrazing
- palatable - high feed value - high protein content
- low risk of bloat
- low risk of estrogen
- poor regeneration; intolerant of heavy frost
- low cold tolerance, least winter hardy of the cultivated clovers
- should not be grown where winter temperatures drop low as 6°C. regularly
Sowing rates
Single species sowing rates - 8-10 kg/ha (10-15 kg/ha if irrigated); sow at 15-20 mm
mixtures sowing rates - 3-5 kg/ha
Sow in spring or early autumn.